Dear Brothers and Sisters,
My name is Kaliostro. Being a devotee of the Goddess Kali, I am a spiritual awakening instructor dedicated to sharing the transformative and profound power of the KALI energy transmission, also known as Kalipat, with spiritual seekers all over the world.
KALI is the divine feminine energy, designed to help seekers achieve spiritual awakening (enlightenment). Mother Kali, a revered Hindu goddess, bestowed upon me her divine blessing to transfer the energy of KALI.
Spiritual awakening is available to everyone. Some people passionately desire and seek it, while others are not interested at all. We are different, but our true essence is the same.
Enlightenment with the KALI energy happens through periodic transfer of Divine Grace to the seeker. This transmission is called Kalipat, i.e. transfer of the KALI energy—by analogy with Shaktipat or Shivapat. In the case of Kalipat, the energy goes directly from the Cosmos to the person. Over time, the KALI energy helps to remove blocks in the subconscious and raise the level of human consciousness to its highest state.
On this website, you will find information about Kalipat and how to sign up for an online Kalipat session. All sessions are one-on-one.
I do not consider my work to be a business; it is a spiritual mission. When conducting Kalipat sessions, I follow a code of honor, which you can find at the end of my article “Spirituality and Money.”
If you are experiencing painful life’s difficulties and feeling hopelessness, but you are also drawn to the idea of spiritual enlightenment and the search for Truth/God, I am willing to work with you at no cost.
I wish you love, spiritual awakening, good health, joy, happiness, well-being, and prosperity.